About HRNS
The Past, The Present, The Future
Our history
Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung (HRNS) was founded in 2005 by Michael R. Neumann and his family, building on their deep history of working side-by-side with smallholder coffee farmer families as green coffee traders. The objectives of the foundation are livelihood improvement in tropical rural environments, youth support as well as protecting nature and the environment. HRNS is named after its founder’s father Hanns R. Neumann.
Building upon the work of Embden, Drishaus & Epping Consulting since 1991, the aim of HRNS has always been to empower smallholder families and strengthen their ability to independently achieve better livelihoods through the implementation of projects.
HRNS operates as an independent non-profit with a Board of Trustees (BoT) whose independence is key in developing and guiding the work. The members of the BoT are a group of renowned experts in their respective fields forming together a broad range of expertise.
Active around the globe
HRNS is operating in Indonesia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania, Brazil, Honduras and Guatemala with its Headquarter in Hamburg. Implemented projects are managed by six regional offices. HRNS has more than 250 staff worldwide. Being close to smallholder families and deeply rooted in the farmer communities makes HRNS a localized NGO often perceived as a family member by the smallholder families.
A trusted partner
Funding for HRNS projects comes from private and public partners. Within our network we find private foundations, government agencies or coffee companies who oftentimes work with us in collaborative funding models. Through such collaborations, HRNS is able to rely on each other, increase the impact of projects and strengthen local leadership through localized implementation structures.
Since 2001, HRNS is the trusted implementer of the projects of International Coffee Partners (ICP) – a pre-competitive initiative of seven family owned European coffee companies.
Since 2010, HRNS also implements the initiative for coffee&climate (c&c), focusing on adaptation to and mitigation of the effects of climate change. c&c was initiated by the members of ICP and is today a well known sector initiative.
Working in Northern Germany
In 2016, within our global youth strategy, we decided to additionally support the social and economic integration of youth with and without a migration background in Northern Germany . Fast growing levels of globalization create strong linkages between people and societies across the globe.
Our concern for people and the environment begins at our doorstep in Hamburg, Germany and extends to regions and countries where coffee is grown.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Through our work at Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung (HRNS), we are committed to contribute to achieving the following UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the framework of the Agenda 2030:

get involved with hrns
Curious to learn more? Partnering with Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung means to join hands-on and committed work with smallholder families in coffee regions. It means to be willing to bring change for them. It means to be ready to get involved and work together.