Northern Germany
Empowering young people globally and locally
Why we do what we do
Since its founding in 2005, Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung has been supporting young people in coffee growing countries. Its focus to this day is assisting them in playing an active part in shaping their future und building a life worth living in their home countries.
However, way too often it still is the last resort of young people to leave their homes and look abroad for a brighter future. Hamburg is a multicultural city, with a long tradition of immigration. 34 % of Hamburg’s inhabitants have a migration background, 50 % when looking at those under 18 years old. But even though the history of immigration in Hamburg dates far back, successful integration into society is still a challenge and its obstacles are high. In our own backyard, youth – with and without a migration background – struggle with participation and the prospect of a bright future.
We are concerned about the close connection between social background and educational opportunities. In Germany, growing up in a socially disadvantaged household means having to struggle much harder for educational success. A vicious cycle starts: educational poverty results in economical poverty that is then passed on to the next generation.
Exiting the vicious cycle
We support projects that help children and adolescents to, at least partially, exit the vicious cycle. Starting points are manifold and so are our supported projects:
They range from artistic afternoon activities on the Veddel to sailing lessons in Rothenburgsort to support with graduation and the search for an apprenticeship position. Projects e. g. promote learning how to read, they offer support in finding a way to deal with conflicts and they combine sports with learning units. Our project partners encourage young people with and without a migration background, they strengthen (self-)confidence and know about the enormous potential hidden in all young people.
Making a differencetogether
The way we work
Supporting these organizations does not only mean providing financial support. We are in close contact with our partners, giving advice when needed and connecting them with other organizations.
Moreover, working with socially disadvantaged children and adolescents requires reliability and the ability to build sustainable relationships. Many volunteers do a great job besides work, family, and other commitments. Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung is convinced that paid work is needed to organize volunteering. We are interested in long-term partnerships and promote the development of organizational structures. As a reliable partner, we stand at the side of people who do not bury their heads in the sand, but want to tackle social problems, with courage, commitment, and fresh ideas.
Reacting in times of crisis
During the Corona-Pandemic, HRNS together with other foundations in Hamburg started a Corona Relief Fund. During times of lockdown many families faced social stress and especially socially disadvantaged youth had little chances to compensate the cancellation of school and afternoon activities. The fund financed creative ideas that reached children during lockdown as well as fun activities once the lockdown was lifted.
Additionally, after the first lockdown Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung started the successful project “1000 Familien” in summer 2020, inviting 1000 families for a day trip to Wildpark Lüneburger Heide, a wildlife park close to Hamburg, including transportation and food. In cooperation with Dirk Roßmann the project has now been successfully implemented for the third year in a row, raising the number of participating families to 2000.
Following the Russian invasion in Ukraine, HRNS established a Ukraine Fund providing financial support for projects that offered support for children and their families seeking protection from the war.

School success, good educational and training qualifications and professional integration are essential prerequisites for being able to actively participate in social and economic life in Germany.
Representative projects

SchlauFox supports socially disadvantaged youth with a variety of different projects aiming at getting a high school degree, language acquisition or eating healthy. Most of their projects are long-term, some of them last as long as two years. Within their projects SchlauFox successfully established a mentoring concept, benefitting both, mentee and mentor.

Entenwerder Elbpiraten
Entenwerder Elbpiraten are a non-profit association for children and young people from Rothenburgsort and the surrounding area. By means of sailing lessons, the elblab (the laboratory of the Elbe) and participatory workshop formats, they encourage children to explore and shape their environment. Emphasis is laid on team building, physical exercise, and proactivity.

Sisters Network
Since 2018, Sisters Network has been offering an exchange and advice forum in Hamburg for young women who want to pursue their personal and professional path in a self-determined and successful way. At the center of all activities is the personality development of the Sisters and Big Sisters to strengthen various competencies, self-confidence and self-organization.